In the United States, a large percentage of adults have had their wisdom teeth removed. Almost every generation has undergone this procedure. The affected areas are stitched together at the end of the surgery to protect the wounds and promote healing. Depending on the length of time the stitches are in your mouth, you may be required to take meticulous care of them.
It will be almost non-existent to remove wisdom teeth stitches if you are careful and follow your doctor’s instructions, as most stitches dissolve on their own.
In today’s article, we’ll discuss the function and care of wisdom tooth stitches, as well as how to avoid problems.
Getting Rid of Wisdom Teeth
Most people need to have their wisdom teeth extracted. Third molars are usually not able to naturally erupt because there is not enough room. A partially erupted or impacted wisdom tooth is what commonly happens. Your otherwise healthy neighboring teeth may be adversely affected.
It is common for wisdom teeth to grow at an odd angle, creating hard-to-clean spaces vulnerable to infection. In addition, other teeth can be damaged if they are pushed against each other or if they interfere with orthodontic treatments. Such reasons usually lead to wisdom teeth being extracted for a healthier mouth.
Wisdom Teeth Stitches
Immediately following the extraction of wisdom teeth, the remaining socket is filled in with the remaining gum tissue and stitched shut. This process helps control bleeding and promotes clotting. In addition, they help prevent infection.
The healing process includes blood clotting in empty sockets. Clotting helps to seal the socket during the healing process. This process is protected by stitching, which closes the area and keeps it undisturbed. It is crucial not to disturb it at all.
How to Care for Wounds after Surgery
Cleaning Carefully
It is important to take care of your mouth after surgery to prevent blood clots from forming in the sockets. It is likely that gauze will be applied to the wounds at first. Gently biting down on them will help stop bleeding and seal the sockets.
You can rinse your mouth using warm salt water (one teaspoon of salt in a full glass of water) after 24 hours. Avoid swishing or forcefully spitting the rinse out as it will put pressure on the wounds. Instead, open your mouth and allow it to flow out naturally. Additionally, you will not be able to brush or floss around the wound area for a few days.
Eating or Avoiding Certain Foods
While your mouth is healing, be careful about what you eat and drink. It is important not to disturb the clots in the sockets during this process. Therefore, choose soft foods that don’t require much chewing, such as applesauce or yogurt. Consuming cold food will help encourage blood clots to form. Take in a lot of water and eat foods high in calories and protein.
Keep away from chewy or sticky foods and drinks such as alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and hot drinks.
What Else to Avoid
Don’t do anything that will disturb the healing process. So first, don’t touch them! Second, refrain from doing anything that will put pressure in your mouth, like sucking. So, no straws, no smoking, and don’t spit. You should also avoid hot foods and liquids. Make sure to rest as well. Strenuous exercise may increase your blood pressure and irritate your wounds.
Problems with Stitches
The stitched areas can be painful in the first few days after surgery. Applying an ice pack will help reduce swelling. You can alternate holding it on and off the wound for 20 minutes. You can also keep swelling at bay by elevating your head when you lie down.
For pain relief, over-the-counter acetaminophen and ibuprofen are often prescribed together. You may be prescribed 600mg ibuprofen and 1000mg acetaminophen at regular intervals by your doctor. Your doctor will make recommendations based on your condition.
Are Your Wisdom Teeth Stitches Infected?
You should recover without any problems after surgery if you carefully follow your doctor’s instructions. Nevertheless, infections are always a possibility at stitched sites. If you suspect an infection is setting in, call your doctor right away since infections in the mouth can escalate quickly. Your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics.
- Having difficulty breathing or swallowing
- The stitched area is swollen and bleeding excessively
- Swollen gums in the stitched area
- An unpleasant taste or smell in the mouth
- Continuation of numbness after surgery beyond the first day
- Socket containing pus
- When opening or closing your mouth, there is pain
- Despite medication, pain persists
- Fever
- Bleeding or pus oozing from your nose
Removal and Healing of Wisdom Teeth Stitches
If your wisdom teeth stitches come out, what should you do? There will be a point when some of your stitches have become loose, sticking out, or have fallen out. You may find having wisdom teeth stitches hanging out to be disconcerting. This becomes problematic only when an infection occurs. Other than that, it simply indicates the stitches have served their purpose.
How long does it take for wisdom teeth stitches to dissolve? Surgical stitches for the removal of wisdom teeth are either made from natural materials or synthetic materials and will either dissolve, dissolve, or pass through your body as waste. Depending on the material used, it may take between eight and thirty days for them to dissolve. You will need to visit your doctor to have the stitches removed if they do not dissolve on their own.
You can resume your regular oral care regimen and everyday eating habits as soon as your stitches dissolve. But that doesn’t mean your mouth is entirely healed just yet. It can take three to four months for the tooth sockets to fully heal.

Patuxent Orthodontics is the Place for Your Orthodontic Treatment!
In order to recover from the extractions successfully, wisdom teeth stitches are essential. They prevent infection by protecting and promoting the formation of blood clots in the empty tooth sockets. After a while, they typically dissolve on their own. It will take a while for your mouth to heal, but it will be much healthier once everything has been done.
What questions do you have about wisdom teeth stitches? Contact us today for a free consultation! Patuxent Orthodontics provides answers and guidance throughout the treatment process. If you need assistance, we will be pleased to assist you. For more information about orthodontic treatments, be sure to check out our blog!